Sound and Light Show - SLS

Pinetree Tours - Norfolk Island


A$0 (2 Passengers)


1 hour

Departure Days:

Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25:
Tuesdays and Saturdays except 01APR, 25APR, 10JUNE, 17JUNE, 14OCT, 27NOV, 25 - 26 DEC, 01JAN, 26JAN, 06MAR, 29MAR.

Departure Time:

07:15pm OR 08:15pm during daylight saving.

Departure Point:

Pinetree Tours Loading Area


Pinetree Tours Loading Area and Accommodation as Required


Pinetree Tours Loading Area and Accommodation as Required


Not Available


A$0 (2 Passengers)


1 Hour Play

What to Bring:


Valid for 01APR23-31MAR25:

As the night falls on Kingston, the historic Convict Settlement on Norfolk Island takes on an eerie atmosphere that is a world away from its daytime charm. The stars twinkle overhead just as they did when the first settlers arrived in 1788, but with the help of real-life sounds, theatrical lighting, and costumed actors, Pinetree Tours brings to life the horror and drama of Norfolk Island's convict era. Prepare to be mesmerized by the Sound and Light Show tour, an absolute must-see experience that will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the island's history. Immerse yourself in the captivating and spine-chilling tales of the island's past and witness firsthand the stories of the brave souls who lived through the dark and terrifying decades of the island's convict history. This immersive experience will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the island's history that you'll cherish forever..

Child Policy:

Valid for 01APR23-31MAR25:

Infant: 0-2 years inclusive - free of charge.

Child: 3-12 years inclusive - child rates apply.

Important Information:

Valid for 01APR23-31MAR25:

- Please bring vouchers/itinerary into the Pinetree Tours office upon arrival to exchange for tickets.


Not Available